Why Being FIRST Sometimes Makes You Best

Hollywood seems to be in full-bore reboot and sequel mode.  Where Summer and Thanksgiving used to be the launch of the big blockbusters, now they seem to be nothing more than a couple of new ideas but many more sequels and more recently, the reboot – a remake of a...

Worst Things First

Have you ever had one of those days where you knew you had an unpleasant task to take care of but didn’t want to do it?  It may have been a call to return with an unhappy client.  Maybe an uncomfortable conversation with an employee.  Perhaps it was a sales call that...

Enough with the Quotes Already!

As a big user of LinkedIn, I am seeing certain trends that concern me. Putting stuff on it that really belongs on Facebook (political opinions, “can this WWII veteran get 1,000 likes?” and religious stuff). Self-congratulatory aggrandizing (“Honored to be the keynote...