We just examined the idea that we all have some impact on our balance at work. Equilibrium isn’t ideal as it means we are equal parts valuable and intolerable. The perfect situation is a balance heavy on the value side. It’s not hard to identify what works, it’s just challenging to always do it. Here are three suggestions:

  1. Work like you own the place. Owners treat a company different than employees would. They have a lot more risk. Their decisions have greater impact so they make them carefully, but with profit in mind. Take this mindset and you’re adding value to the balance.
  1. Be a problem-solver, not a problem creator. Problems will always plague organizations. You can be victimized by them or work hard to solve them. Take this mindset and you’re adding value to the balance.
  1. Get along with everyone. Remember that personality can impact talent. Some organizations will tolerate it but yours shouldn’t. Don’t make it easy for them to fire you. Do your best to get along with everyone. Take this mindset and you’re adding value to the balance.

Valuable people get opportunities, better pay, and favorable recognition. Even if you do get stuck on the wrong end of a layoff, your track record will make it easier to get hired for the next position.

Honestly, it’s not that hard to add value. If you work EXTRA hard you add EXTRA value. That’s your ticket to success. I hope you want that for yourself.