Asking what somebody wants is a good first step.

Boss:  What do you want?

Employee:  A pay raise

Boss:  Oh, well we can’t give you one.

Employee storms off.

Maybe we might need a second step

Boss:  Can you help me understand what a pay raise would do for you?

Employee:  More money.

Boss:  I guess, but is there any other reasons why a pay raise is important?

Employee:  I feel like nobody around here respects me.

Boss:  Hmmm. Would more money would fix that?

Employee:  Maybe.  I don’t know.

When asking the WANT question, don’t leave out the NEED question.

We WANT a dog because we NEED companionship.

We WANT a fancy sports car because we NEED self-esteem.

We WANT a promotion because we NEED affirmation.

Today, think about how many of your WANTS are actually NEEDS, and vice-versa.  A little clarity here might make you a whole lot happier.