“You will be amazed at what you can accomplish when you are the Boss that R.O.C.K.S.”

–Margi Bush

This is Day #16 of a collaborative project with my strategic partner, Margi Bush of Wisdom Tree Coaching.

If you haven’t read Day One-Fifteen in this series, you may want to read those first. Today we will begin to explore our fourth theme, Relationship Management.

Today, we want to offer up suggestions for being a Boss that R.O.C.K.S. with relationship management:

  • R: Rapport. Build a strong foundation of common interests with each of your direct reports. This could be talking about sports, hobbies, family or where they went to school. A little small talk at the beginning of interactions creates a positive conversation.
  • O: Openness.Have an open mind and ask questions from a place of genuine curiosity. Create an environment of openness by self-disclosing appropriate information about yourself and encourage the same from direct reports.
  • C: Connection. Know when to talk so others listen and know when to listen, so others talk. Share your knowledge and skills and delegate work to your direct reports.
  • K: Knowledge. When you build rapport, demonstrate openness and create connection, you have knowledge that will help you as you manage your direct reports.
  • S: Sincerity. Gone is the command and control approach and thinking of your direct reports as “people from hell.” Demonstrate a sincere attitude, ask curious questions, listen to learn and encourage and develop your direct reports.

Think of yourself as a visionary supporter. A boss who is both, visionary by anticipating future needs of your organization and linking what your team does to business priorities and a supporter by demonstrating willingness to grow and develop your direct reports

You have 15 days left in 2018, take time and practice being the Boss who R.O.C.K.S.

We wish you a day of Intent Awareness, Innate Curiosity, and Best Choices for Meaningful Change. Now go out there and be a Great Boss.