Here are your options:

  1. Win/Lose
  2. Lose/Lose
  3. Win/Win

Which one is best? Well we say Win/Win but for most of us we settle for Win/lose, so long as we still win.

Is it possible to get a Win/Win?  Yes, but it takes a lot of work.  We’ve previously explored separating WANT from NEED.  If we simply work from the WANT perspective, we will get either Win/Lose, Lose/Win, or Lose/Lose.  Whoever gets the Win most likely has more power.

A Win/Win happens when both parties focus on NEED.  What’s the root issue between us?  What’s most important for us aside from the WANT.

This takes time and honest dialog.  It only happens when we have rapport with the other person.  And trust.  But it’s worth the effort.

Today, try focusing on NEEDS and chase the Win/Win.  Everyone wins with this mindset!