Passionate monkeyWe know that setting simple goals will never get you to the high level you want to operate or exist at. Small goals, done consistently will move you forward, but only small goals which are pointed toward accomplishing your Big Associated Goal™ (B.A.G.) will get you the success you desire.

This sounds like an easy process…on paper. The reality is that few people will actually get the B.A.G. The reason is, people or circumstances will poke holes in the B.A.G. Get enough of those and you’ll lose hope and give up. What should we watch out for?

Negative people. Talk enough about your B.A.G. and negative people will flock to you. They’ll give you every logical reason why you won’t succeed and if you listen long enough, you’ll agree.

  • People have already tried that idea.
  • Do you know how much that will cost?
  • What makes you think you’ll succeed when everyone else has failed?
  • You always have big ideas and then you end up quitting.
  • People like us aren’t cut out for that kind of success.

Roadblocks. Any journey that deviates beyond the comfortable is sure to hit some roadblocks. If you’re not careful, you’ll hit a couple and give up.

Harland Sanders, the famous chicken guy pitched his idea for a franchise using his secret recipe to 1,099 potential suitors before he finally got a deal. Talk about roadblocks!

Time. Nothing challenging will take place overnight. If you’re someone who seeks instant gratification, a B.A.G. is not going to work very well.

Sometimes when I’m in a channel surfing mood, I’ll park on some of those channels featuring huge fat people who have to lose more than 500lbs. Most of them stay hospitalized for months on strict diets before they can even HAVE the surgery to shrink their stomach. It’s not an overnight process.

If you’re truly interested in achieving your B.A.G. then settle in for the long haul.Surround yourself with positive, supporting friends and keep at it. Don’t let people, things, or circumstances poke holes in your B.A.G.