Thinking monkey“What were you thinking?”

This line, spoken most famously by TV’s Dr. Phil is one we’ve probably all used on someone or even said to ourselves. Usually when something has been screwed up.

Have you ever considered making thinking part of your normal everyday routine?

Consider this: We know it’s a good idea to eat healthy and exercise in order to keep our body in shape. What good will it do you to have a fantastic healthy body and a brain that can’t seem to make a good decision? If you’re really serious about being effective and successful in your career, you need to take time to think. Here are some things to consider:

Venue. Be sure to pick the best location that offers you the optimum thinking space. For me it’s being on a long drive or outside doing yard work. Others like to use a busy space like a park or a Starbucks. Use what works best for you.

Time of Day. I can usually think best in the morning but often get ideas all day. For dedicated thinking time though, it’s always the morning. Pick the time that provides you the best flow of ideas.

Tracking You Thoughts. If you get your best ideas and solutions during your thinking time, be sure to figure out a way to capture your ideas. I use my Evernote app or the graph paper in my portfolio.

What You Think About. Make sure you cover the bases. Think strategically (big picture) and think micro (brainstorming one idea “in the box”).

Tools. Mind mapping is also a good way to guide your thinking. It’s like doing a brainstorming session by yourself. For a guide on how to mind map, click HERE.

Take time to do your thinking on a regular basis and you’ll find a credible answer when somebody asks you:

“What were you thinking?”


Malcolm “Coach” Munro is an organizational repair expert and the President and CEO of Hired Guns Consulting, LLC. You can view and download some great resources on his blog at