burgerMcDonalds is in the news again today. Steve Easterbrook assumed command of the Golden Arches on Sunday, replacing Don Thompson who retired. Easterbrook plans to turn McDonalds into a “modern, progressive burger company.”

McDonalds managed to lose market share because it failed to remain true to what it really is – a place to get cheap, unhealthy food quickly and conveniently. As a kid, I remember looking forward to Friday nights because my parents would take us to McDonalds. My dad would go in and order the food and we’d all eat it in the car. Nobody cared that it was fatty and unhealthy. It was good. Road trips would not be complete without a stop at McDonalds. Greasy French fries and a Big Mac that dripped secret sauce all over your lap.

Today McDonalds is trying to be all things to everyone. Healthy food, apple slices in the Happy Meals, fancy coffee, and a huge menu. It’s trying to compete with Chipotle and Panera. It’s no longer true to itself. I miss my fatty, unhealthy friend!

At the core of who we are is our real self. It’s what defines us and makes up our being. We are a product of our environment and our upbringing. It’s the foundation on which we build.

It’s the foundation on which we build.

That’s the key. We all need to work on growth and improvement. It’s how we stay viable and marketable. No matter what though, who we are is something we have to own. Good and bad. Whatever your start, OWN it.

  • My career in the Navy was unsuccessful – but I OWN that!
  • I’m not a big fan of conventional wisdom in my field – but I OWN that!
  • I will never look good in a Speedo – but I OWN that!

This week, think about what you need to own. McDonalds will never succeed until it goes back to what made it successful in its early years. You’ll never be as successful as you can be until you go back and own what got you to where you are. If it was tough, learn to navigate through it and learn from it. If it was great, learn how to leverage it. No matter what though, make sure whatever you become, you still pay homage to your foundation. It’s what brought you to this point.